Fortified NODE



NODE Corporation, in a stunning departure from their traditional economic-based gameplan, has surged to a monumental victory in this latest campaign!

Stand your Ground, focusing on placement of FORTs, saw NODE operatives place 254 FORTs, compared to a mere 50 by second place Opus Spiritum and 48 by the InSight Institute. This victory cements NODE Corporation's place as a world class organization.

All NODE operatives will receive a campaign badge, while active NODE operatives also will receive 20,000 in-game credits. Please join me in congratulating the NODE Corporation for an extremely well run campaign and a well-deserved victory!

Credit Where Credit's Due

Credit Where Credit's Due

Tax time approaches, so in celebration of that happy time of year, let's take a look at our in-game economic conquests! The winner of this campaign will be the organization that gains the most in-game credits over the course of the two weeks. Remember, credits spent still count, so don't worry about anything you spend on SEEDs.  

This campaign will run from Saturday February 15st to March 1st 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

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