
Campaign: An attempt to win. A battle. Undertaking. Operation.

Ghost SEED was primarily a PVP game. Players competed for influence over local areas as part of a global struggle between organizations. Campaigns provided a bi-weekly focus to this struggle by challenging the organizations to compete in different ways. Players in the winning organization earnedå≈ campaign badges, and often in-game credits as prizes.


Previous campaigns:



49 - The Final Countdown - 1


The final countdown to the 20th of September continued. Now began the final campaign of Ghost SEED, and as appropriate, we turned to the largest scale of battle that took place in the game: Regional Conquest! This is what it's all about. What the resources are gathered for, the FORTs placed, the defensive and offensive pieces located, the tactics performed. We put on some inspirational music and marched to battle for one last time! The winner of this campaign was the organization that conquered the most regions. This campaign ran from Saturday September 6th to the 20th at 3:00 PDT (22:00 GMT)

While strategic battle masters Opus Spiritum won this campaign, conquering a staggering 49 regions, second place The NODE Corporation (at 28) and The InSight Institute (at 17) have shown that they were not to be discounted as well.



48 - The Final Countdown - 2


The final countdown to the 20th of September continued, and we turned now to those who make sure that their organizations conquests are not in vain - the defenders! Without defense, all conquest would be ephemeral, all battle for naught. So we toasted the defenders, put on some inspirational music, and defended our conquests! The winner of this campaign was the organization that lost the least FORTs. This campaign ran from Saturday August 22nd to September 6th at 3:00 PDT (22:00 GMT)

NODE Corporation won this campaign as well, losing only 2 FORTs, compared to The InSight Institute at 7 and everyone's favorite enemy Opus Spiritum at 14.



47 - The Final Countdown - 3


As the 20th of September approached and we continud our countdown, we turned our attention to those who live to place FORTs - the tacticians. They cleave to that most classic of Ghost SEED play, without which no territory would be taken, no claims staked. We tipped our hats and queued up something inspirational and staked that claim! The winner of this campaign was the organization that placed the most FORTs. This campaign ran from Saturday August 9th to the 23rd 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

Territorial powerhouse The NODE Corporation won this campaign, with 77 FORTs placed. Opus Spiritum came in second at 50, and The InSight Institute third with 40.



46 - The Final Countdown - 4


As we continued our countdown to the 20th of September, we gave a round of applause to the gladiators who play this game to make an attack. Without them, there would be no territorial conquest. There would be no conflict. So we raised a glass to the gladiators, put on our inspirational music and sallied forth! The winner of this campaign was the organization that participated in the most battles. This campaign ran from Saturday July 26th to August 9th 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

Opus Spiritum won this campaign, with 155 battles. The NODE Corporation engaged in 82 battles, while The InSight Institute engaged in 54.



45 - The Final Countdown - 5


As we begin our countdown to the 20th of September, we'd like to start by honoring the gatherers. They're what make this game possible, for without gathering there would be no economy, and without economy there would be no battle! So put on your inspirational music and get gathering! The winner of this campaign was the organization that gathers the most energetic particles. This campaign ran from Saturday July 12th to the 26th 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

Opus Spiritum won this campaign, gathering almost 18% more particles than second place The InSight Institute and over 35% more than The NODE Corporation.



44 - Not Quietly


We're all familiar with the line about not going quietly into the night? Well, we at Ghost SEED HQ agree! And those of you with a musical background know that another word for quiet is piano, while the opposite would be forte. And doesn't forte sound just a little like fort? We think so, too. So! The winner of this campaign was the organization that does not go quietly, and instead placed the most FORTs! This campaign ran from Saturday June 28th to July 12th 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)",

NODE Corporation won this campaign, placing 243 FORTs compared to rivals The InSight Institute (176) and Opus Spiritum (146).



43 - The Shield That Guards The Realm


Night gathers, and now my watch begins. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. Stirring, isn't it? In honor of know-nothing Jon Snow, we focused on defense this time. With our best dixieland jazz and shields at the ready! The winner of this campaign was the organization who has lost the fewest FORTS. This campaign ran from Saturday June 14th to the 28th 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

Opus Spiritum won this campaign, losing only 66 FORTs compared to rivals The InSight Institute (105) and NODE Corporation (123).



42 - The Question That Drives Us


Welcome to the 42nd campaign of Ghost SEED! 42 is an interesting number, as it invokes many questions about life, the universe, and indeed everything. This is, ultimately, the question that drives us. We here at Ghost SEED HQ humbly suggest that the answer may lie in battle. So queue up your battle songs (a href="">it would be hard to go wrong with this) and get cracking! The winner of this campaign was the organization who has participated in the most battles over the course of the two weeks. This campaign ran from Saturday May 31th to the June 14th 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

The InSight Institute won this campaign, participating in more battles than both the other organizations combined: 64% more than second place The NODE Corporation, and 386% more than Opus Spiritum.



Regional Conquest - the four part campaign


This badge commemorates the NODE Corporation win of the four-part Regional Conquest campain in April and May of 2014. While both the InSight Institute and Opus Spiritum rallied strongly towards the end, this was not enough to stop NODE Corporation from taking the campain with 2 wins to 1 each for Opus Spiritum and the InSight Institute.




41 - Think Regionally, Part 4


As we rolled into the fourth and final part of this four part campaign, it was time to start picking up the pace. This campaign took regional conquest to a new level. This campaign was the final part of a 4-part campaign focusing on regional conquest. Each of the four campaigns was be won by the organization that conquers the most regions, and then the overall winner won something extra. This campaign ran from Saturday May 17th to the 31st 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

Opus Spiritum won this campaign, taking 87 regions to NODE Corporation's 85 and The Insight Institute's 17



40 - Think Regionally, Part 3


The Big Four-Oh! Congratulations to everyone for participating in our campaigns, and thank you for playing in the 40th Ghost SEED Campaign! As we rolled into the third part of this four part campaign, it was time to start picking up the pace. This campaign takes regional conquest to a new level. This campaign was the third part of a 4-part campaign focusing on regional conquest. Each of the four campaigns will be won by the organization that conquers the most regions, and then the overall winner will win something extra. This campaign will ran from Saturday May 3rd to the 17th 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

The InSight Institute won this campaign, conquering 37 regions compared to second place Opus Spiritum (32) and third place NODE Corporation (13)



39 - Think Regionally, Part 2


It's been a good two weeks. We've all been conquering. We're in the groove. Let's avoid the sophmore slump and redouble our efforts for challenging conquering! This campaign takes regional conquest to a new level. This campaign was the second part of a 4-part campaign focusing on regional conquest. Each of the four campaigns will be won by the organization that conquers the most regions, and then the overall winner will win something extra. This campaign ran from Saturday April 19th to May 3rd 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

The NODE Corporation won this campaign, conquering 38 regions compared to second place The InSight Institute (29) and Opus Spiritum (6)



38 - Think Regionally, Part 1


You're on ten on your conquering. Where can you go from there? Where? Nowhere. Exactly. What we do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do? Put it up to eleven. This campaign took regional conquest to a new level. This campaign was the start of a 4-part campaign focusing on regional conquest. Each of the four campaigns will be won by the organization that conquers the most regions, and then the overall winner will win something extra. This campaign ran from Saturday April 5th to the 19th 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

The NODE Corporation won this campaign, conquering 99 regions compared to second place Opus Spiritum (54) and The InSight Institute (47)



37 - The Parapet


While battle in and of itself is dandy, you've alway got to be able to hold your conquests. In Ghost SEED, the best way to do this is to surround yourself with an impenetrable wall of WARDs. In this light, the winner of this campaign was the organization who lost the least FORTs due to their superior defenses. This campaign ran from Saturday March 15th to April 5th 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

The NODE Corporation won this campaign, losing a mere 13 FORTs compared to second place InSight Institute (60) and Opus Spiritum (170)



36 - Battle Magic


There's something magical about battle, at least in Ghost SEED. Three organizations, struggling for dominance, and the thrill of victory in the cold morning's light. Grab your phone, put on a little inspirational music (this is a good choice), and rumble ye forth. The winner of this campaign was the organization that participated in the most battles during it. This campaign ran from Saturday March 1st to March 15th 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

The NODE Corporation won this campaign, engaging in 127 battles compared to Opus Spiritum (54) and The InSight Institute (44)



35 - Credit Where Credit's Due


Tax time approaches, so in celebration of that happy time of year, let's take a look at our in-game economic conquests! The winner of this campaign was the organization that gains the most in-game credits over the course of the two weeks. As with all economic campaigns, credits spent still counted, eliminating worry about anything spent on SEEDs. This campaign ran from Saturday February 15st to March 1st 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

The InSight Institute won this campaign, earning over 120 thousand credits, compared to second place NODE Corporation (91 thousand) and Opus Spiritum (48 thousand)



34 - Stand Your Ground


Tomorrow marked that greatest of the many days of man (and woman) kind. A day when champions shall clash, and those of us who care to do so shall watch and shout and feast and be glad. I am talking, of course, of a new Ghost SEED campaign day. In this campaign, the winner was the organization that places the most FORTs, ensuring that they were counted as those who have stood their ground. Oh, and Yay Hawks! This campaign ran from Saturday February 1st to February 15th 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

NODE Corporation won this campaign, placing 254 FORTs, compared to second-place Opus Spiritum (at 50) and the InSight Institute (at 48)



33 - A Gathering Storm


Everywhere we look there are particles just waiting for us to take. Some are near, some are far, some can only be reached by boat. Get your planes, trains and automobiles and head out to fetch them all. The winner of this campaign was the organization that gathers the most particles. This campaign ran from Saturday January 18th to February 1st 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

NODE Corporation won this campaign, gathering 58.5% of all particles, compared to 23.9% for second place Opus Spiritum and 17.6% for third place InSight Institute



32 - Fort and Foible


In fencing it is important to always parry so that the tip of your opponents sword - the foible - meets the base of yours - the fort. Now, we don't have foibles, but we do have FORTs, so this campaign focused on new ones. The winner of this campaign placed the most new FORTs, showing that they have read their Agrippa. This campaign ran from Saturday January 4th to the 18th 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

The InSight Institute won this campaign, placing as many FORTs as second place Opus Spiritum (at 64%) and NODE Corporation (40%) combined.




31 - Starfire Burning upon the Ice Veiled Region of Ultima Thule


The end of the year draws near, and our beta program proceeds apace. Let the earth tremble from the might of your conquests while you show those other organizations the flash of your sword - I mean, your macro-scale quantum effects. The winner of this campaign was the organization that takes the most new regions. It's the holiday season, too, so we doubled the award for this campaign! (Battle music for this campaign) This campaign ran from Saturday December 21th to January 4th 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

Opus Spiritum won this campaign with 72 new regions conquered, compared to 49 for NODE Corporation and 26 for the InSight Institute




30 - The desolation of Prague


I love Prague, I really do. But that's beside the point. A year ago we focused on acquisition of wealth as a result of an unexpected party. We did away 'ere break of day and sought our long forgotten gold, and now we are faced with a battle of five - I mean three - organizations. Unlike other campaigns with a single goal, this one, celebrating thirty campaigns, had every goal! The winner of this campaign had the greatest combined score in: literally everything you can earn an achievement in: Credits acquired, particles gathered, FORTs placed, SEEDs alive, battles fought, SEEDs destroyed, renames, prunes, and (for extra credit) regions controlled. This campaign ran from Saturday December 7th to December 21st at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

NODE Corporation won this campaign with a weighted score of 489, compared to 249 for Opus Spiritum and 171 for the InSight Institute




29 - Smash it up


Destroying FORTs is great, of course, but it's always a good idea to think about the general state of things. Take a look around you and see what the competition has been doing, then take my advice: put on some inspirational music (I suggest this) and start battlin'! The winner of this campaign was the organization that destroyed the most enemy SEEDs. This campaign ran from Saturday November 23rd to December 7th

The InSight Institute won this campaign, destroying just over 11% more SEEDs than second place NODE Corporation, and almost 21% more than Opus Spiritum




28 - Master Blaster


Let's get back to basics - and what could be more basic than blowing up someone else's stuff? The winner of this campaign was the organization that destroyed the most FORTS - including Chaos nodes! This campaign ran from Saturday November 9th to the 23rd

The InSight Institute won this campaign, racking up six times as many FORTs as second place Opus Spiritum




27 - Dancing With Myself

Let's sink another drink, 'cos it'll give me time to think. For this campaign we ran a survey to help Ghost SEED grow, giving every active player during this campaign an in-game reward of credits for every player that answers the survey, as a way to say thank you. Just so that it's not all about the survey, the campaign also focused on battle, with the winner being the organization that engaged in the most battles over the duration of the campaign, doubling the amount of credits they win! This campaign ran from Saturday October 29th to November 9th, 2013

NODE Corporation won this campaign with 110 battles, beating out Opus Spiritum and InSight Institute




26 - What is best in life?

As we rolled into the third set of campaigns, we asked ourselves the eternal question: What is best in life? The answer, of course, is simple: To defeat your enemies. To see them driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of Bob Dylan. The winner of this campaign was the organization which takes the most regions over the duration of the campaign. Just like the last campaign, we' doubled the prize. This campaign ran from Saturday October 12th to the 26th, 2013

NODE Corporation won this campaign with 53 new regions controlled, beating out Opus Spiritum (at 21) and InSight Institute (at 10)

(There was no campaign 25. Just like during the last break, we're calling the campaignless break a sort of campaign in and of itself.)



24 - Second Verse, Same as the First!

Conquer or Crash was a huge success, so let's do it again! The winner of this campaign will be the organization which takes the most regions over the duration of the campaign. This time we're doubling the prize, so get your conquering hats on! This campaign ran from Sunday June 16th to the 14th of July, 2013.

NODE Corporation won this campaign with 318 new regions controlled, beating out Opus Spiritum (at 110) and InSight Institute (at 40)




23 - Conquer or Crash!

The regional campaign was fun, so let's crank up the intensity a little! Unlike the last campaign, which focused on sheer numbers of regions controlled, the winner of this one was the organization which takes the most regions over the duration of the campaign. This campaign ran from Sunday June 2nd to the 16th, 2013.

NODE Corporation won this campaign with 123 new regions controlled, beating out Opus Spiritum (at 94) and InSight Institute (at 12)




22 - Thunderdome!

Three Orgs Enter, One Org Leaves! Who runs RegionTown? We found out! Since Seed Operative Support added regional control features, the three organizations have been maneuvering and positioning themselves to take advantage of this. In this campaign, the organization that controls the most regions won. This campaign ran from Saturday May 4th to June 2st, 2013.

Opus Spiritum won this campaign, holding 981 regions at the end of the campaign and just beating out rivals Node at 978.




20 - Should auld acquaintance be forgot...

As we share good cheer, let us remember our friends and share the gift of the AXE. The winner of this campaign shared the most cheer, destroying the most of their dearest friend's FORTs. This campaign ran from Thursday January 3rd to the 10th, 2013.

InSight Institute won this campaign, destroying 42% more FORTs than Opus Spiritum and Node Corporation combined!




18 - The Treasure of Smaug

What could be more fun than an unexpected party that leads to stirring adventure with the promise of profit at the end? I can't think of anything, either. The winner of this campaign amassed the most loot over the course of the week. Operatives were advised not to be a hoarding dragon, though. Credits spent still counted (though not credits purchased)! This campaign ran from Thursday December 6th to the 13th, 2012.

InSight Institute won this campaign, amassing 212,065 credits to Opus Spiritum's 62,700 and Node Corporation's 47,300




17 - They said what?

As the smoke clears from last weeks combat, operatives dig in for the long defense during a hostile autumn. The winner of this campaign will dig in the most, taking the fewest FORT casualties. This campaign ran from Thursday November 29th to December 6th, 2012.

This campaign ended in an absolute draw, a first in Ghost SEED!




16 - Axe Not!

In the aftermath of the unravelling of the 8th dimension, it has become obvious that the threat of chaos nodes has been - for the time being - curtailed. This, of course, frees all operatives to look to their own organization. In the words of Operative Satsuma, Axe not what your organization can do for you, but what you can do for your organization! The winner of this campaign destroyed the most enemy SEEDs. This campaign ran from Thursday November 22nd to the 29th, 2012.

Node Corporation won this campaign, scoring four times as many kills as the other two organizations combined!




15 - Hold the Line!

Opus Spiritum's Dr. Mariana Turba has succeeded in altering the observational interdynamics that shape chaos node formation in a Hilbert space. This is intended to prevent the formation of additional chaos nodes. As a side effect, the Quantum Density of an area now greatly effects operative and SEED capabilities. In the face of this change, S.O.S. encouraged all operatives to concentrate on chaos node elimination. This campaign ran from Thursday November 15th to the 22nd, 2012.

Opus Spiritum won this campaign, destroying 32 nodes (to NODE Corporation's 7 and InSight Institute's 6)




14 - The Situation is Grim

S.O.S. scientists have determined that the rate of chaos node expansion is increasing along an unbounded exponential curve. This expansion, if unchecked, threatens the future of the human race. To buy time, S.O.S. urges all operatives to focus on eliminating chaos nodes. This campaign ran from Thursday November 8th to the 15th, 2012.

Node Corporation won this campaign, increasing their count of chaos nodes destroyed by nearly 5%




13 - Streetfighting Man

All operatives be advised that hostilities between the three organizations have reached an all time high. Each is calling for loyal operatives to concentrate on destroying enemy SEEDs. This campaign ran from Thursday November 1st to the 8th, 2012.

Opus Spiritum won this campaign, destroying 67 seeds to NODE's 15 and InSight's 13




12 - The Center Must Hold

Initial results from the quantum interferometry study indicate that chaos nodes are spreading at exponential rates. While this threat is studied, the three organizations have agreed to encourage the placement of FORTs to hinder their numbers. This campaign ran from Thursday October 25th through November 1st, 2012.

Opus Spiritum won this campaign, placing 325 FORTs (to InSight's 225 and NODE's 15)




11 - A Scanner Darkly

S.O.S. analysts are studying the destabilizing effects of chaos nodes through quantum interferometry. This technique uses rapidly changing quantum flux to acquire data at accelerated rates. To assist, they have called on all operatives to contribute to this flux (by destroying SEEDs of all kinds while placing their own). This campaign ran from Thursday October 18th to the 25th, 2012.

Opus Spiritum won this campaign with an entropic increase of 8.56% and nearly 500 SEEDs respectively destroyed and placed




10 - Ghost SEED is People!

'I am half sick of shadows,' said The Lady of Shallot. Don't we all hate to be alone? The winner of this campaign will have the most active players in their organization, to be warmed by the company of allies and enemies alike. This campaign ran from Thursday October 11th to the 18th, 2012.

NODE Corporation won this campaign with 144 active operatives



9 - More Members Acquired

Some days you wake up and all is well. Other days you are tense, and nothing can help except the pure pleasure of combat. Increase your joy by introducing your friends to Ghost SEED. The organization that brings in the most new people will win this campaign. This campaign ran from Thursday October 4th to the 11th, 2012.

NODE Corporation and Opus Spiritum tied in this campaign, each recruiting 29 new operatives




8 - A Screed against the Weed

Seed Operative Services is concerned that the mysterious chaos nodes which have been appearing with increasing frequency are harmful. The organization that destroys the most chaos nodes will win this campaign, and a special prize! This campaign ran from Thursday September 27th to October 4th, 2012.

InSight Institute won this campaign, destroying 18 chaos nodes (to the other two's zero)




7 - She's got the Jack

Some days its good to destroy your competition's FORTs. Other days, it's better to cripple their defenses, leaving them weakened for a later strike. This campaign focuses on that: the organization which destroys the most AXEs and WARDs wins. This campaign ran from Thursday September 20th to the 27th, 2012.

Opus Spiritum won this campaign, racking up 283 kills to InSight Institute's 250 and NODE Corporation's 66



6 - Greed is good?

Is greed good? Is greed right? Does greed work? Can greed clarify, cut through, and capture the essence of the evolutionary spirit? We don't know. But we do know that the organization which accumulates the most wealth will win this campaign. Note: You don't have to save it for it to count. Credits spent still apply. This campaign ran from Thursday September 13th to the 20th, 2012.

This campaign resulted in a tie between InSight Institute and Opus Spiritum, both earning 1,005,000 credits (plus or minus 350)




5 - The best defense

Some say the best defense is a good offense. This campaign will test that. The organization that loses the least FORTs will be the winner of this campaign. This campaign ran from Thursday the 6th of September to the 13th, 2012.

InSight Institute won this campaign, losing only 10 FORTs against Opus Spiritum's 15 and NODE Corporation's 27




4 - PAX Prime 2012 Campaign

Let's roll into PAX with a classic battle royale - with cheese! We'll focus on conquest, with the winning organization being the one that holds the most territory at the end of the campaign. Lay down FORTs in virgin territory, struggle in battle zones, or simply destroy your enemies holdings. The strategies are as varied as you can make them. This campaign ran from Thursday the 30th of August to September 6th, 2012.

Opus Spiritum won this campaign with 2013 active FORTs against InSight's 1134 and NODE Corporation's 1087




3 - Acquisitions Campaign

Do you get a little frisson of joy every time you collect an energetic particle? If so, this campaign is for you! Help your organization collect the most particles and win this campaign! This campaign ran from Thursday the 23rd of August to the 30th, 2012.

Opus Spiritum won this campaign, collecting 1332 particles against NODE Corporation's 647 and InSight's 559




2 - Player Get A Player Campaign

Let's roar into PAX going strong! Invite your friends to play along with you, and grow your organization the most! This campaign ran from Thursday the 16th of August to the 23rd, 2012.

Opus Spiritum won this campaign, though a prize of 32,000 in-game credits was awarded to every active player in the game




1 - Pax 2012 giveaway

Participate for a chance to win a pair of 3-day passes to PAX Prime 2012! Help your organization engage in the most battles! This campaign ran from Thursday the 9th of August to the 16th, 2012.

Opus Spiritum handily won this campaign, engaging in 494 battles compared to NODE Corporation's 192 and InSight's 123.

InSight Institute's own Spadapinata won the campaign drawing, winning a pair of 3-day passes to Pax Prime.




The Zeroth Campaign

This campaign was a live test of the campaign system, challenging organizations to place the most FORTs. This campaign ran from Thursday the 2nd of August to the 9th, 2012.

Opus Spiritum won this campaignby placing 531 FORTs, compared to NODE Corporation's 263 and InSight Institute's 230



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