NODE Corporation has shown their quality by winning the latest campaign, "A Gathering Storm". Focused on resource collection, this campaign challenged organizations to gather the most energetic particles.
NODE Corporation, traditionally strong economically, has dominated this campaign, with NODE operatives gathering more particles than rivals InSight Institute and Opus Spiritum combined. NODE operatives gathered 58.% of all particles during this campaign, with second place Opus Spiritum gathering 23.9% of particles, and third place InSight Institute gathering 17.6%.
All NODE operatives will receive a campaign badge, while active NODE operatives also will receive 20,000 in-game credits. Please join me in congratulating the NODE Corporation for an extremely well run campaign and a well-deserved victory!
Tomorrow marks that greatest of the many days of man (and woman) kind. A day when champions shall clash, and those of us who care to do so shall watch and shout and feast and be glad. I am talking, of course, of a new Ghost SEED campaign day. In this campaign, the winner shall be the organization that places the most FORTs, ensuring that they shall be counted as those who have stood their ground.
Oh, and Go Hawks!
This campaign will run from Saturday February 1st to the 15th 2014 at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)
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