NODE Knows what is best!


In a stunning victory, NODE Corporation has shown that they indeed know what is best in life: conquest!

In a campaign focusing on regional conquest, NODE Corporation certainly brought their A-game. We asked operatives to concentrate on taking new regions, and while every organization increased the amount of territory they controlled, NODE Corporation's increases were greater than the other two organizations combined: 53 new regions, versus 21 for Opus Spiritum and 10 for the InSight Institute.

NODE Corporation operatives receive a campaign badge, while all NODE operatives who were active during the campaign also receive 50,000 in-game credits. Please join me in congratulating NODE Corporation for this stunning victory!

Dancing with myself

Over the next two weeks we're running a survey to help Ghost SEED grow. To help you grow, we're giving every active player during this next campaign 1,000 in-game credits for every player that answers the survey, as a way to say thank you. Just so that it's not all about the survey, we're throwing a campaign to give it a little boost: The winner of this campaign will be the organization that engages in the most battles over the duration of the campaign, and they'll double the amount of credits they win! This campaign will run from Saturday October 26th to November 9th at 3:00PM PST (22:00 GMT)

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