NODE Corporation has racked up its first solo campaign victory, winning the "Ghost SEED is People" campaign!
In a campaign dedicated to increasing the number of active operatives, NODE Corporation achieved a solid win, beating out both Opus Spiritum and the InSight Institute. With 144 active operatives, NODE showed a clear lead over Opuses 110 and InSight's 75. Active Node operatives receive a campaign badge and 10,000 credits each, as well as our congratulations. Well done!
A Scanner Darkly
S.O.S. has completed the latest census of naturally occurring chaotic nodes. As of this evening there are over 44,000 chaotic nodes, an increase in over 550% from the first census in July 2012.
"The troubling thing about these nodes is that they tend to cluster around SEED operatives, especially in sparsely populated areas", S.O.S. researcher Sameer Kapoor stated. "In areas where SEED operatives are not active, there are no chaotic nodes. In areas where SEED operatives are heavily active, there are no chaotic nodes. It is only in areas where operatives activity is light that these things appear."
Dr. Kapoor has devised a method of using quantum interferometry to study the effects of these mysterious nodes.
"Quantum interferometry uses rapid changes in quantum flux to induce a resonant sympathetic vibration in these nodes. With proper sensors, we'll be able to investigate the inner workings of these nodes and quite possibly determine what effect they have on the world."
Dr. Kapoor has requested that all operatives contribute to this study by helping to maintain a rapidly fluctuating quantum field. The best method of doing so is SEED combat, destroying existing SEEDs while placing new ones. S.O.S. is assisting by dedicating this next campaign to this end: The organization that contributes the most (by destroying existing SEEDs and placing new ones) will win this campaign.
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