InSight Institute Clears the Weeds


Casey Schott's InSight Institute came on strong this campaign, dominating from the start and running off with the win.

In a campaign spurred by S.O.S. researcher's concerned over the rapidly increasing numbers of chaos nodes, InSight Institute walked away with an easy win, destroying 18 chaos nodes during the campaign. Normally effective Opus Spiritum failed to destroy any chaos nodes. Likewise NODE Corporation, which previously held the lead in chaos nodes destroyed, failed to destroy a single node. InSight operatives win a campaign badge, as well as 18,000 credits - 1000 for every chaos node destroyed.

S.O.S. quantum neuropsychologist Warren G. Bruno stated that "while we were successful in raising awareness of these nodes, their numbers are still increasing far more rapidly than they are being destroyed." 

"Wild" chaos nodes, estimated at less than 4,000 earlier this year, have increased to nearly ten times that number, with the rate of emergence increasing exponentially. Doctor Bruno heads a team of S.O.S. researchers trying to determine what the link between chaos nodes and operative activities are.

"It's not inconceivable that operator activities are either directly causing the emergence of these nodes, or acting in a catalizing nature. Increased numbers of operatives, and increased levels of operator aggression can be directly correlated to the rise in chaos node emergence."

InSight Institute's Casey Schott spoke today defending operative activities. "I categorically deny Doctor Bruno's allegations that operative actions are connected to the rise in chaos nodes. On the contrary, the increase in chaos nodes illustrates the need to recruite more operatives to our cause."

Spurred by a generous contribution from the InSight Institute, S.O.S. has announced that campaign nine will focus on acquiring more members. The winning organization will be the one that gains the most members over the course of the week.

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