Opus Spiritum has once again shown that they are the organization to beat by taking the trophy for most territory held, beating out the InSight Institute and NODE Corporation by nearly 2:1
In a campaign targetting raw territorial conquest, Opus Spiritum operatives outdid themselves with 2013 active FORTs, compared to InSight Institute's 1134 and NODE Corporation's 1087.
A Node Corporation spokesman compared Opus Spiritum to a "golden horde", maintaining that Node Corporation operatives must rise to the challenge of defeating Dr. Mariana Turba's hardened agents. InSight Institute's Casey Schott offered congratulations to Opus Spiritum, stating that "it is clear Opus Spiritum operatives have a firm and unified purpose", while insisting that InSight Institute's tradition of "positive thinking and purposeful action" will soon prove his operatives the superior.
Some say the best defense is a good offense. The current campaign will test that. The organization that loses the least FORTs will be the winner of this campaign, which runs from Thursday the 6th of September to the 13th at 9:00PM PDT (03:00 GMT)
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